Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Save Your Hair this Summer!

My middle daughter is a brunette. She loves being a brunette. She wants nothing to do with highlighting her hair. Her biggest concern this summer is how to keep her curly locks protected and especially how to keep them from lightening up. So this post is for you cutie! :)

  1. Soak it first. When swimming in chlorinated water, always soak your hair with tap water before jumping in. Think of a sponge. If you soak it in water first, then throw it into a bucket of bleach it is going to soak up a lot less of the bleach than it would if it was dry. 
  2. Always use a shampoo designed for color treated hair. These products use the most gentle cleansers on the market to prevent "lifting" of deposited color. So even though your hair is not colored you want to use a the most gentle shampoo available.
  3. Use a conditioner for color treated hair. Using a rinse out conditioner helps your hair to be less tangled, easier to comb or brush through and consequently less damage occurs to your ends. The more damaged your ends the lighter they will become. These types of conditioners typically have a sunscreen in them as well. 
  4. Use a leave in treatment. Look for products that have sunscreen in them to protect your hair from UV rays. They also work well to help keep your hair from getting tangled.
  5. Keep it covered. When possible wear a big floppy hat, a fashionable scarf, cowboy hat or a baseball cap when you are going to out in the sun for extended periods of time. The sun is your worst enemy when it comes to keeping your dark chocolate hair from melting to milk chocolate. 
  6. Treat your ends. Apply a little argon oil in the evening before bed and braid it before bed. This will give your ends the much needed drink from a day of dehydration and keep it from getting damaged and tangled while you sleep. 
And before you do all that get a trim. Trimming the split ends will not only make your hair appear darker but it will keep them from splitting up higher. Below you will find links for my favorite UV hair care. Hope you are having a fantastic week and enjoying all this heat while protecting your hair! 
Thanks for stopping by,
Michon :)
Pureology - Colour Fanatic - For Colour Treated Hair
Colour Fanatic by Pureology
BC Sun Protect Shimmer Oil Spray
BC Sin Protect
Shimmer Oil Spray
BC Sun Protect Spray Conditioner
BC Sun Protect
Spray Conditioner
BC Sun Protect Treatment
BC Sun Protect

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